David Lim Therapy & Supervision, LLC
Counseling, Coaching, Clinical Supervision, Therapy for Therapists
(Serving the State of Washington and the State of Utah via Telehealth)
WHAT’S NEW: Now offering counseling, coaching for indviduals suffering from Chronic Pain and coaching and counseling for athletes who are in a rut, slumping or stuck
My name is David Lim, LICSW, MSW, MBA, Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker.
I am a trained, practiced and evidence-based clinician located in Seattle, WA. I have been in licensed clinical practice for 12 years. I offer psychotherapy, life & parent coaching, clinical supervision, group facilitation, psycho-educational instruction & behavioral health organizational leadership. I work with adults, teens, children, families, couples and groups - - with the understanding that energy, emotion, intuition & the subconscious connects us all.
While experience can bring forth suffering and pain — it is through experience that will ultimately bring forth healing, transformation, growth, and change. Change the way you experience yourself and your emotions, thoughts, behaviors, then the things that you look at will change.
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Meet David >>
How I can help | Learn more about David Lim, LiCSW, MSW, MBA and Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker.

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Interested in becoming a client?
Connect with David for Services in: Individual & Couples Counseling, Coaching, Clinical Supervision, Family Therapy & Parent Coaching, Therapy for Therapists, Groups & Classes and more.